Henti Diana Puspitasari
By hentidiana at Fri, 14/01/2005 - 08:56
My name is Henti diana Puspitasari. I graduate from University of Gunadarma majoring in Information Sistem, Faculty of Computer Science. I have been work for PT. Ferron Par Pharmaceuticals (a member of Dexa Medica Group) since 2002 until now. I have been working for two years. My details job are lobbying with klien, booking transportation and accommodation, faxing, typing, copying, internets, and some other administration duties. I work in PT. Ferron Par Pharmaceuticals as a Marketing Support Officer (MSO). I always make communication with other people to make agreement.
Marketing Service, Customer Service, Marketing Communication, Administration
Rp. 1.000.000 - Rp. 2.000.000
Thu, 14/04/2005
I'm working for PT. Ferron Par Pharmaceuticals (a member of dexa Medica group) since 2002 until now. My position is as Marketing support Officer.